A Coopersville dentist wanted to get his driveway repaved so he called the best company for asphalt paving Coopersville had to offer, Advanced Sealing and Paving. The dentist wanted his driveway repaved because he was tired of hearing his wife complain that the landscaping and home looked great, but the driveway looked terrible. The Advanced Sealing and Paving crew went out to the residence to see what kind of shape the driveway was in.
The Advanced Sealing and Paving crew inspected the driveway and it wasn’t in bad shape. It did have some cracks, but the base of the driveway was great. Our crew gave the customer a bid and he was happy with it and asked us to get started immediately because he just wanted to make his wife happy. The Advanced Sealing and Paving crew arrived two days later and started the paving process. The crew cleaned the driveway thoroughly, then they made minor repairs before they repaved the driveway. By the following afternoon the driveway was repaved and the wife came out and said she was so happy that it was done. Her husband came home from work as our crew was cleaning up and thanked us for doing such a great job. Now that his driveway is fixed he is smiling more at his office and in general because he got a great deal on excellent services performed by Advanced Sealing and Paving. He said his wife is ecstatic now that the driveway looks great!